Monday, April 12, 2010

My New Heaven

Salam tuesday.. =)

Alhamdulillah.. my own house keys were in my hand right now.. it's not the matter of being proud to have my very own property.. Syukur sebab dapat overcame hassles and constraints.. All these while, asyik handle & guide people to buy a property.. macam mana tahu pun tetap tak sama dengan experience sendiri.. Well, no PAIN no GAIN right? =)

Now we're very busy occupying that house dengan basic and important fittings.. Sometimes, pernah rasa macam give up and hopeless.. To get that kind of things pun, at least we must have a 'lebat' cash in hand.. Got to dig here and there, utilize all sources that we have.. Alhamdulillah, we are able to manage and buatla sikit-sikit mana yang dapat..

What we've done and to be done;

1. Grill - deposit paid and the contactor already measured the grill size.. they might start the job possibly by this week.. choosed design yang simple horizontal line je colour putih.. wrought iron xminat & xmampu.. My hubby ckp grill budak tadika.. ape2 jelah! =)

2. Fan & Lamp - tengah survey-survey lagi.. so far mana-mana outlets lebih kurang price.. tunggu grill siap and duit masuk (itu sbnrnya) then boleh la angkat.. hehe

3. Kitchen cabinet - booked (refer to my prev post), exhibition kat PWTC dulu.. tunggu duit masuk gak.. hehe

4. Packing - start mengkotak katikkan personal thingy yang nak di bawa.. yang buat byk tu psl wedding presents..

5. Electrical goods - dah survey(survey je..?) and nak masuk rumah nnt boleh la beli.. kenapa la time wedding dulu xde yang nak hadiahkan fridge & washing machine? ngehehe.. =p

6. Me & Ikea - thanks for giving me the idea.. seems like it's the only stores which i prefered to buy the furniture.. but wondering is that true that Ikea's items are out of quality? I've heard that before.. maybe because DIY kan, so consumers tak fix and fit betul2.. hmmmm =[

Million of thanks to my beloved parent sbb terlalu banyak sangat membantu and contribute.. if possible i don't even want to burden them at all.. but they already guide us from the beginning.. plus mereka pun 'well-versed' sangat situation property buyer ni.. I know, mana ada parent nak tgk anak mereka susah.. Hopefully, one day i can give them more than what they'd gave me.. Amin