Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Menjelang Aidiladha..
Lask week, when everybody happily fill up leave form.. my boss awal2 dah hint.. "you stay untill thursday kan..?" i dgn muka kereks.. "no.. no.. no.." padahal mmg stay pun.. "nnt big boss bising pulak bila takde org langsung.." kalau ikut perangai kerek and loyar buruk ni nak je ckp.. "Ada aku kesah.." hehe, tak baiklah.. i mmg sgt respect pada although die very lenient and tolerate.. tp still buat nakal ckp.. " i can stay.. but 1 condition gaji mesti masuk awal" gurau je, tp mmg dah kering sebenarnya... hehehe.. tak sangka he meant it and Alhamdulillah.. thanks!
So, hasilnya.. today i'm alone kat admin office atas ni.. kak lyn as usual station kat galeri la.. negotiators, just nmpk abg sab je tadi.. yang lain-lain tu, mana yang apply cuti tu, cuti lah.. yang xapply cuti tapi x nampak batang hidung tu.. isk, malas la nak ckp, bior lah.. sambil update2 task, pandang kiri kanan.. angin je ada, blogging la jwb nye.. yeahhh =)
Dalam kepala ni still confuse lagi nak balik mana dulu esok, this year my family celebrate aidiladha@kuala selangor my ayah's district.. dengarnya byk program and umi ajak we all participate skali.. solat sunat, rewang2, lawat kampung2.. this year 1st time me buat ibadah korban.. but our turn will be on saturday.. ingat after tu baru nak balik my in-law's house.. tapi, balik esok pon ok since my korban's turn will be on saturday.. hmmm, just let my hubby to decide about this laa..
Kalau ikut hati ni, nak je chiow after 1pm nih.. bkn ada apa pun, plus boleh tolong2 umi kat dapur.. actually mmg kalau boleh nak cuti pon today, but nak compensate kan next monday & tuesday.. ambl leave 2 hari tu sbb nak jaga rumah because Umi and Mak nak pergi kelantan bawa Syasya and Adek.. since our new maid ni baru sgt2 sampai, someone kena monitor dia (macam la aku ni pandai monitor maid), faham2 jela dgn current situation nowadays.. maid lari la, mcm2 la.. have to, what to do..
Tibe2 rasa rindu pulak dekat my hubby yang comel itu.. kesian tgk dia pagi2 bangun awal pergi kerja jauh2.. unlike his wifey yang kerje dekat nih.. dah la kerja dekat, nak bangun pagi pun sosah.. dah siap2kan attires my hubby, babye die, terus sambung sleep balik.. sampai kena kezut berkali2 baru bangun.. isk2, apa punya wife la nih, dah kawen pon attitude mcm budak2 lagi.. punya azam dan kemahuan mahu improve, harap2 menjedi lah yea..ehehehe...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Weekend Getaway - Honeymoon Trip to Bukit Tinggi - Part 1
Once nampak colmar building, kami terus 'Waaah, mcm kat france' mmg imitated france pon, berjaya mmg berjaya la built the building as similiar as the real colmar in france! Actually, before decided to choose this place, i gathered all infos and view visitors comment about this place. Ada yg kata OK and ada juga KO. Mula-mula doubtful juga, then tanya live dgn org yg visited Colmar; Syed, he was a hotelier before and of course lg expert. He said that the place is beautiful, good accomodation & decent, just a bit on pricey. Yelah, cheapest pun per night RM273.00. Makan lagi la, what do you expect if you are on 35,000 meter above sea level. Then my bff Akma yg kaki jalan, dia ckp sgt enjoy and worth it! OK set! Proceed..
Nice room, from the very beginning i thought that deluxe rooms were occupied with 2 single bed based on the website's photo. How lucky we had this such a sumptious and so-called romantic room. Mcm tau2 je kami berhoneymoon =p . Risau takut they've wrongly allocated us to the room, tp payment had been done kalau nak extra charge pun.. Ahhhh, don't mention it.. "we come here for enjoy, then ENJOYYY!" huhu, i've read few comments from holiday & tourism website.. ada yg ckp they got a room which is unacceptable, untidy and poor environment.. lemah semangat juga mula-mula baca, yelah paid for almost RM300.00 for 1 night stay tp bad conditions.. Thank to Allah swt, everything was fine. The best word is REZEKI!
Toilet pon ok.. cewahhh.. sejak bila pula jd spokeperson / ambassador ni??!
Our room's scenery.. Bukit Tinggi Golf Course.. Huhu, dont waste your time! Jom jalan-jalan! There's a lot of fun activities can be done here.. After zuhur, we went for lunch-tea then jalan-jalan and many more..