Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's about loving your loved ones..

Try to recall back, a quotes from one of a famous Malaysia box-office films..

"Selalunya orang yang kita sayanglah yang paling susah kita nak sayang"

something like that.. after few years, film ni masih kuat melekat difikiranku.. mmg Khabir Bhatia punya 'touch' teramat menjadi.. plus acting by Cikgu Fatimah (yg said that quote)..

But i'm not here to talk about that film.. a very wrong person to talk about film and sort of that.. Just wondering, why do parents always put a high expectation towards their children and to that extend, siap appoint anak ni jadi apa, anak tu jadi apa.. i mean not all la.. ada yg bagi 100% freedom, ada yang dont mind at all as long as their children take a serious step and strive for it..


Sayang of course.. of course takde parents yg nak anak dia jadi looser right? talking about sayang.. i mean loving someone that you really(to death) taking care for.. regardless parent, kids, siblings or life partner.. surely nobody ever wanted to see their loved ones looser, live in a 'to-die' situation or being insult by others(those yang takde kerja dan x sedar siri)..

of course.. kita nak sangat tengok someone that we really2 love success (of course, siapa yang taknak).. although dia dah success, kita masih nak tengok dia naik one step higher and higher.. proud is one thing, but significantly.. kita nak tengok dia happy, senang dan jauh dari segala macam masalah (at least dpt handle semua masalah easily).. Maybe juga kita akan circled dalam kesenangan dia.. tapi yang paling penting kita nak dia bahagia, sekalipun kita tak merasa apa2 drpd kejayaan dia tu..

what if.. he/she really mean for it as well, but it's just that we are not agree and couldn't take the way she/he does.. because we might see other way better than what she/he does.. and the other way round, dia sendiri pun tak bersetuju dengan cara kita.. =( sighhh..

we aren't simply againts the way that he/she really wanted to do so.. cuma kita rasakan ada option yang way better than that.. kita sendiri dah buat evaluation, inference, hypothesis or whatever it is.. bukan sikit effort yang kita buat untuk fikirkan dan buat yang the best utk dia/mereka, kesana kemari.. tebalkan muka bertanyakan pada ramai org.. doa minta petunjuk dari Allah swt.. bukan niat mengongkong, tapi kita tak nak any mistake happen pada diri dia..

Buat apalah kita bersusah payah fikirkan hal ini untuk orang lain, belum pun tentu dia appreciate and accept apa yang kita fikirkan.. kadang-kadang rasa give up and wanted to take that words.. apa nak jadi, jadilah.. tapi orang ni bukan orang lain.. orang yang kita betul2 sayang and jaga bagai nak ****...

Tapi siapalah kita untuk memaksa kalau itu bukan minat dan kemahuan dia... maybe kalau dia buat pun~half-hearted way je.. sighhhhh.. maybe juga one day, kita balik akan di blame sebab force.. we've a strong reasong, while he/she has a strong detemination..

apa yang boleh buat, cuma berdoa pada Allah swt agar berikan dia petunjuk dan guidance.. sebab Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik dan tak untuk dirinya.. berdoa juga pada Allah swt agar lembutkan hati ini untuk terima segalanya.. as long as the path the he/she choosed, won't take he/she away out of the norms and he/she always on the right track..

So true ~ orang yang kita sayanglah memang susah untuk kita sayang.. i don't know, or maybe it's me who don't really understand what 'sayang' is.. Just pick up this quote(below) for my motivation..

p/s : depression.. please go away..

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