Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SubhanAllah.. Alhamdulillah..

Kalau mampu dilaung Allahu Akbar sekuat hati.. akan ku laung kan..

I knew its too early for me to post this, what I'm going to story about..

These few days, I found that i'm suffering oral ulser badly.. badly dehydrated i guess so.. elok sini, ada lagi.. nak makan memang susah laa.. but my appetite tremendously increased lately.. so can imagine la how suffer being too appetite but in the same ulsers are everywhere..

Ezany's cousin whom studying medicine in Moscow advised me to get a soluble vitamin c that might helps.. Time beli kat Guardian dengan gatal tangannya grabbed pregnancy test skali although terbayangkan resultnya single line as usual (sigh..).. Bukan ape, takut time puasa salah makan ke sekali tgk2.. hehehe..

Pagi smlm after sahur, saje nak test.. Tgk result (expecting single line).. It's double line! T line appeared followed by the C line.. Rasa menggigil kepala lutut, terus jerit panggil Mr.Hubb (yang telah kembali lena menanti subuh).. Member dengan xsemena2 kalut mendapatkan si penjerit tadi.. hehe

Hugged! A tight hugg.. Tears down, and he calmed me down.. "You must see a doctor by today"

Knowing that he's not be able to accompany.. call Umi, mula2 ok.. but then dia ada 2 tempat nak berTadarus.. it's ok, just go ahead alone to Klinik Noor Hajar..

Dr.Hajar verified and printed the ultrasound image.. 0.81cm so maybe about 4-5 weeks.. "Haa, see.. dia menyorok kat sini.." waaah, blm ape2 dah main hide & seek.. =p I'm willingly to pay RM100 to get a Duphaston, ubat untuk kuatkan womb.. =) history byk mengajar..

Alhamdulillah puasa semalam xde masalah.. hopefully boleh continue habiskan sebulan.. mmg ade rukhsah puasa harus bagi ibu mengandung berbuka demi dirinya & kandungannya.. InsyaAllah, semoga Allah bagi strength to me troughout the Ramadhan.. kena jaga nutrition, terpaksa sedut gak condense milk walaupun sgt tak suka..

All the best Fara! Ya Allah berikanlah aku kekuatan menjalani ibadah puasa sepenuhnya, murahkan rezeki untuk bakal khalifah ini.. Amin Ya Rabb

1 comment:

  1. semoga farah sihat dan kuat. kalo dah lety sgt tu jgn paksa diri tau. nnt kesian si kecil tu. hehe
