Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Projects in Line..


Baru?? hehehe.. what to do, lately ni sgtla busy nye.. my company got another prestigous project from one of the biggest developer in Malaysia.. so, of course we got to be highly committed to these projects although the developments already started quite sometimes.. Like my boss said, "whatever being offered to us, just accept it and try all out to deliver the best".. maka bykla planning, report & update kena buat, sales duty lagi.. Penat yes, but mcm BoB the Builder ckp "let's get the job done.." =) Alhamdulillah dah ada sorang subordinate to assist me..
Plus, our all-time developer yang dah lama kami attached pun will launch their new project soon, quite happy sbb this type of development quite demanding(dah ada list of clientele in mind =p hehehe).. ramai tanya "you all tak launch new condo or apartment ke?" most of them are investor.. surprisingly sbb nowadays byk daa new condo or service apartment.. but still they demand it from us, maybe they all tahu kami attached dengan best developers yang delivered a good quality of property..

Alhamdulillah, if possible we all pun hoping biarlah whatever property yang purchasers bought tu satisfying and worth it! Hopefully rezeki pun bertambah dibulan kelahiranku ini.. hehehe *hint *hint
p/s : xberani nak disclose nama project & company takut inethical.. in case any misleading ke hape ke.. nayo woo..

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