1. Kenyang - hehe...
2. At last, dapat juga hadap for new post.. after few weeks..
2. At last, dapat juga hadap for new post.. after few weeks..
Mr.Hubby kat sebelah dah lena dibuai mimpi.. Love to see he sleeping tightly, get enough rest dear.. travel all the way from SA to Kajang mencari rezeki.. it's ok dear, itu namanya hidup and hopefully dapat tempat yang dekat2 later..
Owh, refer to the above title.. yeah, last month we attended my Form 3 class reunion in conjunction of farewell to Cikgu Yahurin Yasin yang akan posting ke oversea.. (kat mana x ingat)
Date : 24 march 2010
Venue : Tupai2 Bangi (jauh ok, nsb baik En)
Time : not sure.. dinner la
At the 1st place, I thought that i feel that impossible for me to attend.. but somehow i managed to settle everything on time.. immediately call Akma "nak attend lah.. ehehe" she replied "gedik la kamu makcik" tumpang Cik Akma then jumpa Mr.Hubby kat sana.
Best teruja dapat jumpa classmate yang havoc2 and semua maintain je macam dulu except yang married including me myself sbb of course datang dgn partner.. the best part, Siti Hafizah yang selalu partner table dengan dia dulu.. pregnant 2nd baby! best ok.
Suddenly Cikgu Yahurin pun appear..
Wow! Semakin outstanding & vogue.. Anggun macam dulu gak! Cikgu Yahurin now somebody kat MOE.. Time salam dengan dia " Cikgu ingat awak ni dulu selalu ada problem dengan projek KH kan" kui3.. Cikgu ingat lagi tu..
Malu weyh! Jadi bahan Mr. Hubby la.. Chait!! Yela, dulu KH kena jahit2 kan.. jahit tulang belut xmcm tulang belut, jadinya tulang ikan! kui3.. so, kena la buat balik.. at least dapat gak praktikkan ilmu KH.. jahit seluar koyak & butang baju tercabut Mr. Hubby.. =) Tq Cikgu!
Havoc habis semua.. Menu steamboat, ok best. If only we had much time, because after that we rushed balik Bt. Caves (in-law's house) and the next day both of us kerja (exhibition weyh). So we moved earlier than others.. Best dapat chat dengan Miss Netball ~ Hazirah@Xera..
Havoc habis semua.. Menu steamboat, ok best. If only we had much time, because after that we rushed balik Bt. Caves (in-law's house) and the next day both of us kerja (exhibition weyh). So we moved earlier than others.. Best dapat chat dengan Miss Netball ~ Hazirah@Xera..
So, for archive.. i enclosed these pics.. Thanks to all for such a great time!
Cikgu Morni.. ehehe, Cikgu Yahurin laa..
Yang teranggun.. fehh, unfortunately dua2 sudah ada yang punyaaaa.... =)
Peggy, Fatin, Akma & Apana.. ntah apa diorang tengok time ni, macam tengah dengar speech! =p
Me(acnes!appada..) and Zera(makin bergaya aku tgk dia nie.. hehe) & Dayah(otai cam dulu gak)..
Our table.. table ni paling lambat habis dinner.. owh, beside me is Apana's bf..
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